Child malnutrition has shown significant decline by a third since the mid-90s to the present time, but the levels of chronic malnutrition are still high with 36% of malnourished children found in Bangladesh. Stunting and micronutrient deficiencies such as anemia are also major malnutrition related health concerns for the adolescents. The prevalence of obesity is increasing in an alarming rate especially in the urban areas which increases the risk for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Realization of Bangladesh’s national development goals set in the Seventh Five Year Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda will be hampered in absence of rigorous actions.
To address malnutrition collectively in Bangladesh, with a special focus on youth, ‘Nutrition Olympiad 2018’ was held on Saturday, 21st April 2018 at the Bangabandhu International Convention Centre (BICC), Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka as a kick-off event of the National Nutrition Week. The Nutrition Olympiad 2018 is the second episode of the annual competition organized for the youth and adolescents to showcase progress of the school Nutrition Clubs they belong to as well as upholding their knowledge, talent and potentials in improving dietary habits while addressing malnutrition in Bangladesh. This event was jointly organized by the Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), Ministry of Food, and the Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge (MUCH)– a project implemented by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with financial assistance from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Union (EU). SUCHANA–financially supported by the Department for International Development (DFID) and the EU, Global Improved Alliance for Nutrition (GAIN) and other organizations are supporting the event as the “strategic partners” & read more..
Nutrition Olympiad 2018 is aimed at strengthening a national platform for youth and relevant stakeholders for knowledge sharing and demonstrating the potentials of youth engagement in nutrition activities towards improving diets and addressing malnutrition.
Additional Secretary, Ministry of finance
Representative a.i. in Bangladesh, FAO
Senior Nutritionist, MUCH
Director General, FPMU, Ministry of Food
Director, Nutrition Unit, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)
Country Director, Alive and Thrive Bangladesh
Deputy Research Director at Agricultural Policy Support Unit, Ministry of Agriculture
COO, Market Access Providers Ltd
President, BASIS
Managing Director, Lakhsma Innerwear LTD.
Director, Advocacy for Social Change, Information & Communication Technology and Partnership Strengthening Unit, BRAC
Senior Scientist & Chairperson, Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF)
Prof, Dhaka University
Nutrition Policy Advisor, MUCH
Head, Public Health Nutrition Department, Primeasia University
Nutrition Advisor, Concern Worldwide, Civil Society Alliance (CSA) for SUN
Deputy Programme Manager, IPHN
Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC)
Project Coordination and Social Protection Expert, MUCH
Deputy Manager (Program), Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID)
Deputy Manager (Business Development), Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID)
Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC)
Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka - 1207, Bangladesh
Phone: (+880) 2 8714169, (+880) 2 9845909